Somatic Therapy across Colorado

Reclaim Your Life from
the Grips of Trauma

Offering a comprehensive therapeutic approach for artists, leaders, and empaths.
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You’ve tried your best to accept the past.

But no matter what you do, the pain still grips you.

It sneaks into the present moment without warning.

And sabotages your ability to experience life fully.

Living this way is exhausting.

Over time, your mind and body start to break down.

Dreams you once had now feel far out of reach.

You don’t know what else to do.

Part of you still believes there is another way.

But you don’t know where to turn.

You feel ready for a new approach.

But you don’t know how that looks.

Today You Found a New Way Forward

Hi, I’m Frank.

I can help you make the lasting change you’re seeking.

The reality is that painful and unfortunate things are guaranteed to happen to us at some point. What matters most is how we deal with them.

While traditional talk therapy is a step in the right direction, achieving lasting change requires a comprehensive approach that incorporates the physical, neurological, and subconscious layers of your being into treatment.

We’ll work together using proven therapeutic tools to address the root of your challenges and discover the specific process required for your intuition to shine where you need it most.

I bring years of experience along with my unique approach, utilizing somatic, parts work, and ecopsychology tools, towards your goals.

I would be honored to join you on this healing journey.

About Frank

My Specialties

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Complex and Relational Trauma 🫂

Living with unresolved trauma robs your ability to feel safe, trusting, and connected in relationships. In result, you’ve developed an internalized sense of hopelessness and doubt in your ability to live harmoniously in the world. Through a holistic approach, I help you process and release trauma, reconnect with your body and emotions, and rediscover your vitality.

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Soul Work ✨

Many people feel a deep and persistent longing for connection, purpose, or wholeness that seems to always be just out of reach. This inner ache can manifest as feelings of emptiness, disconnection, or confusion about your life’s direction. Through soul work, I guide you in exploring the depths of your authentic self, helping you find deeper meaning, align with your true purpose, and identify steps to embody your truth in the world.

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Depression 😌

Depression can feel like an endless cycle of heavy emotions, fatigue, and isolation. This overwhelming state often leaves people feeling stuck and powerless. I offer a holistic path towards healing, combining somatic and parts work methods, to help you reconnect with yourself, gain clarity, and experience lasting relief.

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Anxiety 🧘‍♂️

Anxiety often feels like a racing mind and a body locked in overdrive. This constant state of alertness and worry can leave you feeling disconnected and overwhelmed. Through a holistic blend of somatic and parts work techniques, I help you restore a sense of calmness within your system and build resilience to navigate life with greater ease.

My Approach

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Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is a mind-body approach that focuses on the powerful relationship between emotional states and neurological functioning. By tuning into bodily sensations and movement, somatic therapy helps release tension and emotional blockages not typically accessible by talk therapy alone. This approach deepens physical and emotional self awareness, allowing you to meet triggering moments without being overtaken by them.

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Parts Work

Parts work is a therapeutic approach that explores the various aspects of your internal experience, recognizing that we all have different ‘parts’ that influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By identifying and understanding these parts—such as your inner critic, protector, or wounded child—parts work helps you integrate competing aspects of yourself towards greater harmony. This process empowers your ability to embrace all parts of yourself and move forward with greater clarity and confidence.

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Ecopsychology explores the deep connection between our emotional well-being and the natural world, recognizing that disconnection from nature can impact our mental health. By reconnecting with the earth and understanding how environmental factors influence our psyche, ecopsychology helps restore balance and meaning in our lives. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and interconnection, supporting both personal growth and a deeper care for the planet

Online Therapy

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Convenience and Accessibility:

Online therapy offers a flexible and accessible way for individuals to engage in mental health support from the comfort of their own homes. With the option to connect via video or phone, therapy can be scheduled around busy lives, reducing the need for travel time or navigating scheduling conflicts. This convenience can make therapy feel less intimidating, and for some, it opens up opportunities to access care that may have been previously unavailable due to time, geographic, or mobility limitations.

Confidentiality and Comfort:

For many people, online therapy can provide an added layer of privacy and comfort, as it allows individuals to choose a setting where they feel safe. Whether it’s in the quiet of their own home or a private space they feel comfortable in, this environment can encourage openness and emotional expression. Additionally, technology platforms used for online therapy are HIPPA compliant, ensuring that personal and sensitive information remains secure throughout the process.

Therapeutic Effectiveness:

Research has shown that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person sessions for many individuals. The virtual format allows for the same therapeutic techniques—such as somatic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and parts work therapy—to be used with the same depth and impact. As with in-person therapy, the success of online sessions depends on the therapeutic relationship, mutual trust, and consistent engagement from both the client and the therapist.

It’s time to make a change.

You owe this to yourself.

Let’s get started today!